Demonstrate Compliance

by securing your information

Your Challenge: Complying with Laws and Standards

As a compliance officer, you face the challenge of complying with regulations such as GDPR and NIS2. Additionally, more and more customers are requesting ISO 27001 certification or evidence that you meet a comparable standard. It is essential to demonstrate that your organisation is doing its utmost to be compliant. How do you ensure that you not only meet requirements on paper but also in practice?

Our Promise:Insights that put you in Control

At Guardian360, we understand your concerns and responsibilities. After all, we must also comply with GDPR and NIS, and we are ISO 27001 certified ourselves. That's why we offer a solution for daily monitoring and insight into deviations from laws and standards. With our experience in information security and compliance, we provide you with the tools to demonstrate that your organization is acting correctly and thereby meeting all requirements.

We strengthen and simplify your compliance process.

With the Guardian360 Lighthouse platform, you gain insight into deviations from laws and standards, as well as valuable insights into the compliance status of your organization. We scan your networks and web applications daily and provide updated insights into non-conformities.

Instant Updates

Daily Updates on the security status of your network

Risk assessment

Clear information on how to assess potential problems

Proven experience

More than 20 years of experience and thousands of organizations worldwide that trust us

Daily Insights into all assets in your network

Our insights are not just a once of fix but a daily detection to ensure you are always aware of where you need to make changes to comply with the norms relevant to your industry. You won't need to second guess yourself but will be able to demonstrate compliance with confidence. We will help you prove to auditors that you have done due diligence and have a complete overview of risks that are relevant to industry standards and legal requirements. 

Abbreviation Name of the Norm
ISO 27001:2013 Code for Practice for Information Security Controls
ISO 27001:2017 Code for Practice for Information Security Controls
GDPR/AVG General Data Protection Regulation
NEN 7510:2017 Information Security Management in Healthcare
ISO 27017:2015 Code for Practice for Information Security Controls based on ISO/IEC 27002 for Cloud Services
OWASP Open Web Application Security Project
NCSC ICT-beveiligingsrichtlijnen voor webapplicaties
PCI DSS Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard
BIC Baseline Informatiebeveiliging Corporaties
NOREA Logius / NOREA Norm ICT-beveiliginsassessments
saMBO ICT Normenkader Informatiebeveiliging MBO
DigiD 2.0 DigiD norm v2.0
DigiD 1.0 DigiD norm v1.0
NBA:2019 Volwassenheidsmodel Informatiebeveiliging v2.0 van de NBA
ISO 27001:2022 Code for Practice for Information Security Controls
BSI IT-Grundschutz BSI IT-Grundschutz Standard 200-3
NIS2 (beta) NIS2
DigiD 3.0 DigiD norm v3.0
TISAX (Beta) TISAX (Beta)
IBP FO IBP - Normenkader Digitaal Veilig Funderend Onderwijs
DigiD 4.0 DigiD norm v4.0
CyFun CyberFundamentals Framework

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