We have compiled a list of questions our clients may ask with regards to our impending platform migration, feel free to ask us more questions so that we can share it with the Guardian360 community and thereby keep everyone safe. 

What will happen to my old data that I had previously?

All data will be transported over from the current environment to the new environment, so all partner-, customer-, scan- and hacker alert data will be preserved.

We currently run daily backups so we are confident that all the data will still be available in addition to the application if needed. This is of course in compliance with Dutch laws and client privacy.

Will this affect my way that I interact with Lighthouse?

There will be no visible changes to the Lighthouse interface. However, from a user experience point of view there will be marked performance improvements, for example rolling out a new probe or hacker alert appliance should be a much faster process, from generation, provisioning and the start of scanning. That is just one benefit, it is going to be good.

What happens if the new solution crashes?

We of course are working on mitigating most issues beforehand, however with technology we can’t predict and prevent everything for real world scenarios. There is a chance that certain aspects of the platform could fail during the first few days. This will be monitored, mitigated, corrected and optimised where needed. The new platform is designed with reliability and availability in mind and has fail-safes built into its architecture. 

On the remote chance that the new platform somehow completely fails and there is no way of fixing this in the short run we could opt to revert back to the old platform as a last resort. In that case any new data might be exported from the new platform back in the old platform. 

We will stay open and honest about this every step of the way.

What do I need to communicate to my clients about this migration? 

 1. In case you are managing the entire network including firewalls for your client, you don’t have to inform them

2. In case the client manages (part of) their network themselves, some technical tasks need to be performed. Please inform them beforehand about these changes so that they are aware and can prepare. We will inform you at a later moment in time when clients should have these changes applied.
Platform Migration Technical Tasks 

What will happen to the probes within my network?

From the perspective of the end user nothing will change regarding the actual functionality of the probes. They will scan in the same way they have always done. The only difference is from a technical point of view where connections from the probes to our central platform are changed.
Platform Migration Technical Tasks 

How will this affect deployed hacker alert appliances within my network?

From the perspective of the end user nothing will change regarding the actual functionality of the hacker alert appliances. The only difference is from a technical point of view where connections from the hacker alert appliances to our central platform are changed.
Platform Migration Technical Tasks 

Will I need to make changes to my firewall to facilitate the new implementation?

You will need to take a look at this. Please refer to instructions on the blog post below:
Platform Migration Technical Tasks 

When will these changes take place?

This will take place very soon, but as is the nature of complex systems we cannot give an exact time and day for this. 

It is more important to us to deliver solutions that are of a high standard than to meet self-imposed
deadlines that negate any unforeseen challenges we may encounter in the code. 

We will of course keep you up to date regarding the actual date of the migration and any preparations that you could make. Please keep your eye out for our updates.