ISO 27001 is the most widely used standard for information security in the world. It includes a set of guidelines and best practices for managing information security risks.

What our ISO 27001 certification means for you

A key part of the continuous improvement process prescribed by ISO 27001 is an annual audit conducted by an external auditor. This auditor not only checks whether the procedures are being properly followed, but also whether the measures in place are effective.

Our certification demonstrates that we take your security seriously—just as we do our own. Additionally, we are required to continuously improve our information security management system. This benefits you as well: all the knowledge we gain is fed back into our platform.

Office address
Orteliuslaan 1000
3528 BD Utrecht

Schouwburgplein 30-34
3012 CL Rotterdam

Mailing address
P.O. Box 2655
3000 CR Rotterdam

Telephone +31 88 225 15 00
